As a family, we love the outdoors; hiking, gardening, and being together. We also enjoy watching movies, making cookies, going on little vacations, and being with our extended family.
We enjoy holidays and birthdays and try to make them special.
Our house always seems to be under construction because we want to remodel one room or another. It is wonderful to see a project come together and know that you had a hand in it.
Taylor loves to go to the high school football games with her daddy.
Lori loves to be a stay at home mom so she can go to fieldtrips with Taylor and her preschool class. In the fall we went to a pumpkin patch and went on a hayride to pick out a pumpkin.
Logan and Lori enjoy spending time together just the two of us. Lori's parents enjoy it just as much because they get time with Taylor.
Logan and Lori enjoy spending time together just the two of us. Lori's parents enjoy it just as much because they get time with Taylor.